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Microblading Aftercare
NOTE: Each result is unique to the client and the information below only acts as a guideline
For the first hour after the procedure:
You will need to clean lymph/ooze from the brows. If the oozing dries on brows, it will create massive scabs that will peel, flake, and itch.Please DO NOT skip this step as it is very important.
Every 10 minutes for the first hour:
Blot your eyebrows with a paper towel every 10 minutes for the first hour after the procedure. Once the hour is up, GENTLY wash brows with the soap provided.
Wash MORNING & NIGHT for 10-14 days after procedure.
Wash brows outside of shower-keep brows dry inside the shower. With the soap provided wash gently in the direction of the hair (NO SCRUBBING). It should be a light swipe that will help remove oozing/excessive oil. Make sure they're 100% clean & no lymph is sitting on the brow to prevent scabbing & flaking.
Apply ointment provided
Only apply a rice grain amount of the provided ointment 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days. Do not apply more than a rice grain-Too much ointment will not allow the brows to breathe and will take longer to heal.
Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the tattoo area.
Immediately following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color. In the next few weeks your brows will fade into a natural look.
Swelling and redness is minimal with most clients, and will disappear within 24-48 hours. In some cases, it may last around the eyebrow area for up to 3 days, but will not prevent working or socializing.
The treated area may feel a bit like a sunburn/sore afterwards but there should only be minimal discomfort.
Things to AVOID:
Do not sleep on your face or on your sides. Sleep facing up
You may shower or bathe, but AVOID facing shower head and using any soaps or cleansers on the treated area for the first week. AVOID steamy hot showers as they will cause pores to open and scabs to soften. AVOID water on the brows especially shampoo and conditioner running down as that will cause color discoloration.
Avoid any kind of moisturizer, oil, and vaseline in the brow area for the first two weeks.
Avoid working out or sweating for 10-14 days following your procedure
Avoid direct sun exposure for the first 14 days. It is strongly recommended that you wear a hat while outside during the healing process.
Do not pick or scratch at the dry skin/flakes. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of pigment. Please allow the skin fall off naturally.
Once flakes have fallen off a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It will appear as though the eyebrows are gone. Within 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates.
DO NOT apply make up to the tattooed area for the first 2 weeks. Chemicals of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo.
Healing Info:
The complete healing process takes about 6-8 weeks, at which time the true color of the tattoo is evident. During this process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost, as your skin is still regenerating and naturally exfoliating.
Once the treated area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done at your 8 week follow up appointment.
Keep in mind that Microbladed brows heal 30-50% softer than the initial color.
NOTE: Each result is unique to client and the length of results will be dependent on after care and lifestyle.
Apply oil provided 2x a day every day to hydrate the brow hairs.
Brush daily into desired shape
Things to avoid within the first 24-48 hours:
Do not wet the brows for the first 24 hours.
Do not apply any cream, or makeup on your eyebrows for the first 48 hours.
Avoid sun exposure, sauna, excessive heat, and swimming for 48 hours.
Do not sleep on your face within the first 24-48 hours.
Do not apply Retin-A, AHA, for at least 72 hours before or after the treatment.
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